Friday, May 28, 2010

Macau Madness!!!

I made it home from macau! Yeah, it was crazy. The event was complete crap because the charity aspect was added last minute to the CAGE FIGHT, which was the main event. So there were 10 different rounds of different guys fighting, oh my gosh, blood! And lots of macho guys, and then lots of mainland chinese. 900 people in attendance... ha it was crazy. we got our picture with one of the boxer guys after on the red carpet area.
so the event wasnt good, but we went out after. oh let me back up

met at the office to get all the stuff to sell and then went to ferry
FINALLY got on ferry, after lugging ridiculous amounts of frames and suitcases and getting through immigration with it all ha. 1st class seats on ferry, which looks like the inside of an airplane, but better seats!
Got to macau, walked a million miles to the arrival hall, went through immigration pretty quickly, everything is in porteugeuse on the signs, but thankfully my spanish (for the 1st time ever) is becoming handy.
So we get 3 taxis again for all of our stuff. there were 6 of us. so 3-2-1, I don't know why.
But my taxi driver,I was in with 2 other girls, does not know where the Grand Hyatt is, seriously?? ha so we finally got him following the other taxis. and then we wanted a receipt (write-off) and the guy was like what, so I was like, oh crap what is the word for paper in spanish? So i remembered it is papel, so i asked him "Papel?" and he goes si si!
So we get out stuff moved into this HUGE Grand Hyatt, it's only 8 months old.
My boss got a room for all of our stuff wehre we could get ready and she and her sister were going to stay the night there.
So that was fab, the room was way cool. modern though, you wouldn't like it mom.
The shower/bath were in this glass room, (which you could cover so you couldnt see it from bed. but it had this huge tub freestanding and then 2 showers separate of it. like a shower room. rain shower (like from above, absolutely fabulous) and then it had the plain old regular shower. Boring!

So after the event we went to Lion bar, which EVERYONE was raving about. The 40+ yr old men hitting on us should have been the tipoff... It was in the casino at MGM, but it was just a sad, sorry excuse for a club. We literally walked in and walked out, it was that terrible, way too many 50 yr old men with little asian girls. Ew.
Then we went to these 2 other clubs, the 1st was terrible but we didn't care, so we paid our cover which included 2 drinks each and drank them down and moved onto the other club. the cover was $250 for that one, but we were like, um do you seriously not want to let 5 girls in?? So we got in for free to a club we later found out is known for its "exclusivity." Pshh.
So we danced and hung out there for a bit, this club was actually normal and fun
and then we went to McDonalds, and then we went back to where one of the girls was staying. Her boss has a place in macau, a penthouse, so we slept there instead of filling up the awesome (but too small for 7 of us) hotel room
so I had my own room and bed which was awesome, and then this morning we got up, looking way busted, in the same clothes and went back to the grand hyatt and figured everything out with our boss for getting everything back, DHL SAVES LIVES.
Then we went in quest of breakfast, and I ate a crappy cheese croissant, but whatever. Walked around the casinos and hotels a bit, Grand Hyatt is attached to a bunch of casinos that attach to The Hard Rock Hotel and then to Crown Towers etc etc.
Got the ferry back to Hong Kong, made it through Immigration and jumped in a taxi to the bus station once the other girls were all situated to go back to the office,
Got home, took a much needed shower and then took 1.5 hr nap,woke up and ate dinner, spaghetti and meatballs (yumm)
and now typing to you.
going to go watch some dexter and eat ice cream i think
and then i think we might go out tonight, to appreciate the significantly better night life of hong kong.

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