Sunday, May 2, 2010

I made it to Hong Kong!

Hi friends! Sorry its taken me awhile to post, but I had to make it into the country! Ok, so let me back up...

Friday morning I left Melbourne airport, made it to ATL with no problems. Literally almost walked onto my next plane, perfect timing! However, we proceeded to sit on the plane for 3.5 hrs without moving. Since the flight wasn't full, there was a problem with balancing the fuel versus the passengers inside. So that made this huge 747-400 late to its arrival in Tokyo. The flight ended up being 12 hours, and our pilot made up alot of the time in the air, thankfully! I slept most of the way, waking up at intervals to see The Blind Side, New Moon and 17 Again on the big screens. Hit the ground running, because Delta had held our Tokyo flight to Hong Kong since it was the last one of the night. (love Tokyo-Narita airport btw) So so organized! Anyways, so I made it to Hong Kong, read my guide about Hong Kong on the way there. Went through customs in HK without a hitch, grabbed my bags and was on my way! My aunt and uncle met me at the airport and then we drove to their home.
Once we got home, of course I was wide awake. It was 1am HK time, so it was 1pm US time. I ended up taking a shower, unpacking and then taking a sleeping pill and was off to bed. I ended up sleeping from 2am-1pm because Kerry woke me up!
We went into Central after I had brunch and espresso, and I got a sim card so I can use a phone while I'm here which is great! Went to Mix for lunch. Kind of like Tropical Smoothie but better. Had a delicious smoothie and wrap! Kerry and I went shopping for awhile, which is always fun! We had decided at 6 we would meet Luke and Sammy for dinner. Luke is a friend of mine from England that I literally have grown up knowing. So it was crazy when I found out he would be in HK the same time as me! We met for dinner at the Yacht Club and had a lovely buffet of sushi, salad, hot dishes and kids chocolate ice cream! Afterward, we watched the light show from the balcony, which was absolutely gorgeous! Now I am home again, all moved into Jamie's room (Thanks, Jamie!)
I am excited and hopeful for what this trip will bring, its been so much fun so far! Enjoy the pictures, definitely many more to come. This is probably not as detailed as I had planned to be, but it will have to do :)

Peace and Love friends!

Ok, new plan, here's the link to the album!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! That's so exciting! I'm also really glad that you liked Narita aiport, lol.
