Thursday, May 20, 2010

It's becoming routine

I'm getting into the routine here. I drive into town with Paul in the morning. Arrive about 8.30. Say au revoir to my uncle and then walk to Starbucks. I walk along the footbridges as far as I can go because they avoid traffic so successfully. I grab The Standard, the Hong Kong free newspaper here. I arrive at Starbucks and quickly order my doppio over ice before the line starts piling up. The Starbucks here are fabulous, and they offer a variety of breakfast items which is great, even doughnuts! (they’re not half bad)
I sweeten my doppio over ice with “syrup” which is simple syrup, not maple! Then I sit, preferably in the window, and read my paper, people watching sporadically. It was quite rainy this morning, so the people watching became even more interesting as there was a barrage of umbrella holding figures all hurrying through the blustery streets. There was a man wearing a trash bag and shower cap as he pushed a card with trash cans and women hold the umbrella so close to their heads I’m sure it is ripping their hair out.
I had an apple pie for lunch. Probably not the healthiest thing ever, but it was delicious, and nothing like American apple pie. It was like a personal apple pie size. No saucy apples, just cut up apple and raisins and seasoning, and it was delicious. It cost me HK$6, less than US$1. Yum.
I am quite determined to go to the book store today. It’s supposed to be a rainy weekend and I would love to have some good books. I’m running low! The new Charlaine Harris novel is out, I would be floored and so flipping excited if I could get it while I’m here! We shall see… I will keep you updated.
Hmm, since I wrote on Monday… Havn’t done too too much. Foot was still hurting on Tuesday but was better. Worked, aka was on facebook because there was nothing for me to edit. It’s been a chill week. Just going to Starbucks and work. I’m pretty sure the girls working there recognize me now, as do some of the other Starbucks regulars. I’ve been watching more Dexter, hanging out with my uncle. Phoebe bought ice cream, so now I have Ben &Jerry’s! (in Hong Kong!!!!) haha. Last night I was putting a new bandage on my injured foot and touched the wound and like jumped. I was mad, because my thought was that it shouldn’t be this sharp of a pain if there is nothing in there. So I started examining it more closely and found that a piece of glass was trying to force its way out of my skin. My tweezerman’s came in handy and my foot is now glass-free. It instantly felt 10000% better, for which I am truly grateful. Tomorrow I’m going to Macau, which should be fun, I’m definitely excited.
Thats all.

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